72.Why some clients think the ground coffee no need the coffee valve on their coffee bag ?

We all know that the roasted coffee need the coffee valve on the coffee bag, because the roasted coffee will release more and more CO2. If we have the coffee valve on the coffee valve, it can help us release the CO2 outside the coffee bag by the coffee valve on the bag. coffee bean-Color Suns coffee valve
But some of our clients would like to use the coffee valve for the roasted coffee bean, they replied that, the roasted coffee bean will release many CO2 after they have been roasted by the coffee roaster. So they would like to buy the coffee valve without filter to release the CO2 for their coffee bean.
You can know what is the coffee valve without filter from below link: https://www.colorsuns.com/products/coffeevalve/coffeevalvecs02/
But some of our clients would not use the coffee valve for the roasted ground coffee, they told us that, the roasted ground coffee would not release CO2 or they would not release too much CO2 than roasted coffee bean, so the roasted ground coffee no need to use the coffee valve while they packed inot the coffee package.ground coffee-Color Suns coffee valve
But Color Suns one way valve & valve applicator machine would like to suggest our clients to use the coffee valve with filter for your roasted ground coffee. Because the roasted ground coffee still will release the CO2 , even thought they only release a little CO2, and they will release the CO2 less than roasted coffee bean, but such little CO2 also will effect your ground coffee aroma and fresh after they have been packed into the coffee package.
So please consider to use the coffee valve wtih filter for your ground coffee , it can prefect protect your roasted ground coffee fresh and aroma. To make sure your clients who can test the fresh and aroma roasted ground coffee, Please use the coffee valve with filter for your ground coffee.
You can know what is the coffee valve with filter from below link: https://www.colorsuns.com/products/coffeevalve/coffeevalve-cs01/



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